Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Churches Avoiding Biblical Truths

Telling a half truth is telling an untruth!! Untruth=Lie!!
Making the Bible what you want it to be and say, is not taking from it, what God wants it to say!! Isn't that in itself a form of idolatry? How can you tailor a scripture away from it's original meaning? God does not change. He is the same yesterday , today, and forever!!! 2Peter 1-But there were also false prophets among the people,even as there will be false teachers among you,who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

True Chruch Conference 09 Muscle Shoals AL

As a family we had planned to travel through Muscle Shoals AL to attend Grace Life on the Shoals Church. We had listened to Pastor Noblit on for some time, and we loved the messages.His messages are truly food for the soul!! It had been a very long road that we have traveled. Searching for many years for a church that was teaching the Word of God. Yes, we had been in Churches over these 12 years of searching. I will say there was a building,a pastor and a whole lot of people. Being faithful, we felt we were many times stumbling around in a mish mash of man's doctrine versus God's Doctrine!!
Pastor Conrad Mbewe was preaching in the morning and evening service.I was so looking forward to it, because I had also listened to him on and his messages,were powerful.He is referred to as The African Spurgeon!!
Praise God for Bro. Mbewe. My eyes kept welling up with tears,and it was for the precious Word of God!! My soul had hungered for so long to hear the Truth be spoken,in a Church.My Gratefulness to the Lord is so Great, for allowing us to hear his Word!!His message touched our hearts and we could not stop thanking God for bringing us here. I can't tell you how long it has been since we came out of Church, anxiously waiting for the evening service. It was amazing!!!
When we attended the evening service, again, it was a true message,that went straight to our hearts.His message was on the Wonderous Grace of God!! We had planned to move on the next day!! God is so Good!!! Praise his Holy Name.!! My son , Husband , and I knew we had to stay for the True Church Conference 09. We hadn't even talked about it, but we all knew it was what we needed to do!!!God had led us here and the journey had started many years ago!!
The Conference starts tomorrow and we are so excited!!!IT is titled The Wonderful Grace of Repentence!!God is doing a Glorious work through the Anchored in Truth Ministries, and Heartcry Ministries. It is so amazing!!These are the ministries that are outpouring from this humble church in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.The speakers will be Voddie Bauchman,Conrad Mbewe,David Miller,Jonathan Sims, Paul Washer, and Jeff Noblit.
Grace Life Church on the Shoals is such a Blessing. We arrived at 7 a.m for breakfast and fellowship.The breakfast was more than ample and the fellowship with the people that had traveled from all over the Country, was so nice.We met some very nice people ,with much zeal for God's Word. All the sessions, with Jeff Noblit, Jonathan Sims,Paul Washer David Miller, and Voddie Baucham, were absolutely amazing. We are grateful to God for revealing these biblical truths to us.
The Grace Life Church on the Shoals was a superb host. We felt like we had been in this Church our whole Lives!!I can't even begin to express the imprint that this wonderful Church has left on us!! The Ministry , the people and their mission is so defined.Praise God!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

American Christianity

Where is your faith today? Do you have Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you live your life as a Christian on Sunday and the rest of the week like a lost soul? Where is the conviction? Yes, there is no condemnation for those in Christ, but there is conviction in a soul inhabited by the Holy Spirit!! I do not only ask these questions of you, I ask them of myself daily!! This is not a debate, this is OUR SOULS!!! I sometimes think of Noah and how he tried to warn of the coming flood, and the people scoffed at him. When the door to the Ark was closed and the rain came, the same scoffers pounded on the door of the Ark.They were lost because they did not listen. I think of how their hands must have been bloodied , pounding in desperation. They had realized their foolishness.But it was too late.
Don't let it be too Late!!!