Thursday, January 22, 2009

Repent America!!!!


  1. Oh brother.

    That's why I'd be embarrassed to be Christian. Such an uptight bunch who have no problem exploiting their faith for their personal gain. It's pretty sad and pathetic that America elects a Democrat by a clear majority not seen in the last several elections, and Christians think Americans need to repent for it. Like it says anywhere in the Bible that God supports Republicans over Democrats.

    How sad and stupid.

  2. You cannot be a Christian and be embarrassed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! The Bible is the infallible Word of God and must be taken in its entirety!! We can not ever presume to add to or presume to know what God is trying to say. We have to know what he is say and try our very best to follow his commandments. Christians today have fell into a "Progressive Moment" of some sort. But God is the same yesterday today and forever. Mans wisdom is foolishness the the Lord!!! I have no personal gain, my only goal is to reach souls for Jesus Christ. Those can reject my offerings, and that is fine. But, that will not stop me from telling it!!America has turned its back on God!! When Christians make material and Worldly objects their idols, this is very troubling!! Thank you for your opinion and God Bless!!
